Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Descartes Discourse #4

There's a good deal going on in this discourse and i'll add more later but i wanted to get started. In this discourse Descartes is meditating on existance. How do you really know if something exists? To answer this question he said you have to reject anything you've ever known. He makes the point that he must exist because he is thinking. This is the very popular "I think therefore i am." From here he says that something must have put these ideas in his mind, and they must have come from a more perfect nature than himself. He makes the point that these thoughts must have come from God. There is a lot more to discouse in this discourse and i will revisit it soon, but for now i think the biggest point he is trying to make is challenge everything. Nothing exists unless you can prove it exists. One other big point i think he is making is anything that anyone thinks or imagines while it may not be true it must have some fondation in truth, for to exist it must be true.
jimmy vanvalen

1 comment:

stephanie said...

You say he says nothing exists unless you can prove it exists and it made me think of God. It made me think of God becuse is nothing exists unless you prove it then how does God exist because you can not really prove that. Therefore that indicates God can not exist, but Descartes says that he does and you can not prove he doesn't. But you also can't prove that he does.