Tuesday, March 11, 2008

in locke's search for truth he says that we should all seek the truth. when i say truth i mean knowledge because i think that both he and descartes viewed truth and knowledge as very similar things if not the same. you can't have knowledge without truth, because if you can't prove something is so than you can't know it. i think it's interesting that locke view's it as sort of a crime against humanity to not seek out knowledge or the truth. he refers to the waiste of knowledge as childish and peevishness. he says not only should we value our knowledge but we should improve it as much as we can.

1 comment:

Chris Rehonic said...

I think that the idea that without truth we cannot have knowledge is an interesting one. How can we know soemthing is we cannot prove it? However, in some cases, we can know something and not actually know how to prove it but I think that is where the fact that we have some innate ideas comes into play.

- Chris Rehonic