Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Meditation 3

     After coming up with his argument for the existence of God, the Meditator then begins to feel that he may be supremely perfect.  He feels that all his mistakes or vices are potentialities within him, and slowly he is moving towards perfection.  The idea of God can be conceived in him without outside cause if he has the potential to be perfect.  However, for three reasons this idea is rejected by the Meditator.  One, God = all actual and not all potential.  Two, since he is in a constant process with his improvement then he will never attain perfection.  Three, potential being is not being (idea of God is caused by something with infinite actual being).  Since he knows God exists he questions where did he receive this idea.  He concludes the idea must be innate and must have been created by God since he himself was created by God. God can not be deceiving him since he is perfect and in order to deceive you must be imperfect.     
--Chris Rehonic

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