Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Meditation 3: the existence of God

    As the Meditator considers God as an infinite, eternal, immutable, independent, supremely intelligent, and supremely powerful substance which created all, the Meditator realizes the idea of God is more objective rather than formal in reality.  The idea of God could not have originated in himself, therefore the Meditator concludes that God must be the cause of this idea and must then necessarily exist.  The Meditator then starts saying that doubts and desires come from an understanding that we lack something, and we would not be aware of that lack unless we were aware of a more perfect being that has those things we lack.  Doubting the existence of other things is not a problem for the Meditator but doubting the idea of God is not possible since he has a clear and distinct perception of God's existence.  The idea has infinite objective reality making it truer than any other idea.  
---Chris Rehonic

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah this is like what i was posting on because i found it very interesting how he tries to doubt everything to show there is a God because anything that isn't perfect could not be God but something made from him