Friday, April 4, 2008

God and Language

Right at the beginning of the section Locke describes how God's greatest gift to people was the way to communicate ideas and words to one another. He says without language, people would be just like animals who can make sounds and communicate, but have no way of speaking language to each other. I thought it was interesting that Locke picked language out as the most important thing people were given, to convey the ideas they have. Locke also considers those people without an extensive vocabulary or correct use of language to be ignorant.

1 comment:

Jimmy VanValen said...

i think it's interesting that he points out language as the seperating feature between human and animal, but i think it makes sense. with out language and vocabulary we could not pass knowledge on to each other, also we would have no way to keep the knowledge. animals have no knowledge that we know of but if they could talk we might know.