Friday, April 4, 2008

the truth about god

later in his argument about god locke makes the same argument that descarte made. he says there must be a god because we were created and we could not have been created by nothing. also he says anything that has a begining (ie birth) must have been created, and this goes back to the created by god idea. also he says who ever created us is all knowing and with out there would be no knowledge in the world. by this argument locke is saying, i think, if there wasn't a god then there would be no knowledge at all in the universe.


Anonymous said...

good point here, i was speculating this in one of my posts about how society might have imposed these thoughts on him or are they his own, we as readers don't really know

Chris Rehonic said...

it seems like Locke is saying that without God then we would have no knowledge in this world. I feel like this has to be true since God created us, don't you think that he also created knowledge in a sense since he put all on earth. However, without a God I think our knowledge would definitely rely more on our experiences and there would be no universality to knowledge like there is today.
-chris rehonic