Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hume: missing shade of blue

in his missing shade of blue experiment, he asks us to imagine a man that has seen every shade of blue but one. He feels that this man will be able to see this missing shade of blue even thought he has never experienced it. He can see this shade of blue by looking at the two the lie to either side of it. However, here Hume contradicts his thoughts about only knowing things that we in fact can experience. I think this argument is not a strong one for Hume and is unnecessary since it contradicts evrything he says in Enquiries.

1 comment:

Jimmy VanValen said...

i agree i found it kind of hard to follow him here because he just got finished telling us that you cant know anything with out experiencing it and then he says you could use similar experiences to come up with new knowledge. i don't really get it which one is it.
