Saturday, May 17, 2008

Kant vs Hume

Kant tries to argue against some of what Hume says about cause and effect. This is shown when Kant says, "Kant leveled his attack mainly against the third condition, but other people have found objections to the first two conditions as well. In the realm of colliding billiard balls, the cause does precede the effect in time." And Kant just continues to discuss other examples and what variables have brought him to question what Hume says in his book, trying to prove him wrong for what he discusses.

1 comment:

Jimmy VanValen said...

while i think that kant doesn't even know what he himself is saying i kind of agree with him when it comes to humes pool ball example. right after hume finishes tell his readers that all knowledge comes form experience, he says you could know what a pool ball will do when it hits another pool ball even if you have never seen this happen befor.
