Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hume: On miracles

Basically Hume is in accordance with what many philosophers before him and after him have felt about miracles. He believes that miracles are not true or even valid since there is no evidence showing miracles actually occurred and have went against the laws of nature. It is easy to believe in something that is set out in front of you but to a certain degree I think that faith plays the larger role in the miracle game. Faith that God gives some this power of miracles. However. these miracles should not have to be publicized to be believed as possible to occur. Hume is correct in saying that miracles cannot be true or valid to even think of actually happening. However, I feel yes there is no evidence but why would anybody lie about something as sacred as a miracle.

1 comment:

Jimmy VanValen said...

hume is big on the laws of nature and defines miracles as against the laws of nature. because miracles can not be proved scientificly hume says that they can not be true.
