Tuesday, March 11, 2008

the first thing about locke that caught my attention is his stance on truth is similar to decartes. he mentions the ideas we have in our understanding and whether they depend on matter or not. i think he means whether or not they are true or real, and whether they are based on any truth. in the section, method, he says either there is no such thing as truth at all or that mankind hath no sufficient means to attain a certain knowledge of it. i think he's saying if there is no truth than there is nothing to base any knoledge on.

1 comment:

Chris Rehonic said...

I think he may be right with Descartes on the fact of truth and whether or not our ideas are true or real. However, the two differ very much in their views about innate ideas. Descartes believes that innate ideas do exist and Locke will argue that we are born with tabula rasa and our experiences makes our knowledge and is truth.

- Chris Rehonic