Thursday, April 3, 2008

Locke vs. Descartes differences...

As we also talked about in class, was the way Locke and Descartes differs in there view of innate ideas. Locke believes that even though there may be certain instances where innate ideas can be found, there is no such thing as having an innate idea. On the other hand, Descartes feels that the examples Locke gave as not being able to be innate, Descartes believes these ideas are wrong because he tends to believe in innateness. But at the same time, I as a reader, have to question how much the idea of God in their discussions if forced out because of how harsh the punishments would be for speaking out about things out of the ordinary like the non-existence of God.

1 comment:

Jimmy VanValen said...

i completely agree about the god agrument. im not saying weather or not i belive or how i know if there is or isn't a god but the proof that these men use is rediculous. it's the shortest passage in each book and it contadicts everything else they say. i'm just not buying the whole we were created so god must exist idea. i just think they are both to vague on this idea when they don't spare any detail on any other idea.