Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hume: On induction

Hume argues that induction is founded on persistence of regularities and that we cannot know nature is uniform through reason since reason comes in two kinds and each is inadequate. the first reason that is not effective, deductive reasoning which Hume feels we cannot prove regularities will continue since nature's course may change. The second reason that is not effective is effectively, inductive reasoning and Hume says that founding regularity on idea that regularity has always worked in the past is arguing in a circle. Hume does not feel that just because A occurs B is soon to follow. I think Hume is correct in his thinking because just because we drowned in the pool doe snot mean we will drown everytime we go in a pool.

1 comment:

Jimmy VanValen said...

hume says induction is that one event always follows an event than you might think tht one causes the other but you cant really know that.
