Sunday, May 18, 2008

hume's missing blue

in the missing shade of blue argument hume completely contaticts him self. i don't want to go back to being mr. negativity and trying to find the flaw in every argument but how could you overlook this one. hume says that you cant know the effect of something without witnessing it, but now he is saying that if you told him there was a missing shade of blue he could get an idea of what it looked like by looking at the two shades on either side of the missing one. this also deals a little with induction i think, which he also said is not rational.


1 comment:

Chris Rehonic said...

I agree with what your trying to say about Hume on this one. Hume really got himself tangled up by saying that you can not know the effect of things without being a witness of it, meanwhile he then says he can create and idea of a missing blue shade when he didn not witness the missing shade before.