Monday, February 18, 2008

meditation 3

there's a lot going on in this meditation but i think the main point is weather or not god exists. at one point he makes a real interesting point. he says you can't see heat but you can feel it. he goes on to talk about different things you no are true and can't see. i guess he's trying to say just cause you can't see god does not mean you can't prove he is there.



jasmin said...

Descarte is confusing oh the god subject. One moment he believes in him and the other he doubts his existance. I think that god gives us signs of his existance. he tries to say that if god didnt exist that some of his ideas could have been originated in him.

Chris Alonzo said...

I also believe that Decartes is confused, if he exists or not. He trys to says that his ideas would not have surfaced if he did not exist so therefore he exists.

Jimmy VanValen said...

i guess but like you said he is so wishy washy on the whole subject of god. everything else he writes about he presents pretty concrete, i don't know maybe it's because god is much harder to prove than 2 plus 2 or that fire is hot.